As of early Sunday 19 (EST), this is how the top of the ladder looks like:

Jarvan Poppy Bard sneaks in with a brokenly high WR (and play rates that assure this is no fluke, on top of Poppy Bard already being a thing). Other than that, our Meta continues to be one of the most varied (at least judging by the numbers).
About How Decklists are Curated & Presented
In this quick ladder overview, we'll provide the best decklists for the showcased archetypes.
In each archetype, some lists fare better than others (and sometimes the difference is quite noticeable) – we'll broadly group decklists (not archetypes, but specific decklists) in three groups, by amount of games played in the last few days:
Heavyweights: more than 900 games,
Welterweights: between 300 and 900 games,
Featherweights: between 60 and 300 games
These cut-offs are of course arbitrary – since most data samples I check are 24hs or three days, the above roughly translates to lists that have 20-100/100-300/300+ games per day.
Sources: Balco, Legna, Seth – all three provide 7-days data (which I usually check for matchups when 3-days data is scarce) and 3-days data (which is the bulk of the recommended decklists). Legna provides 24-hs data (what the calls "Fresh") for free; Seth provides 24-hs for Premium access.
If you have any feedback on how these decklists could be showcased differently, do let me know! =)
For this quick overview, we'll group in Heavyweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific, exact decklist) with:
More than 900 games in the last three days, and
WR above 53%
The lists below are ordered by play rate. If an archetype is not shown here, it means that it has no decklists in the specific range (for example…
Jarvan IV Poppy Bard
Move aside, folks – new Kings in town. This specific decklist has more than 3K games in the last few days, WR above broken, and AM Seasonal Champ Prodigy too it to Rank #1 recently.
It's a slight underdog to Viego Noxus, but chews Thralls for breakfast, absolutely murders Jhinnie and Kat Ziggs Annie, is favored into Nami TF Shadows and Heimer Jayce…
… basically: this is a frigging powerhouse, on steroids. If you want to climb, this is the train you want to hop on right now.
Only decks that seem capable of giving this brew some real trouble are Galio Bard and Yuumi Pantheon.
Katarina Ziggs Annie
JIV Poppy Bard may have stolen the spotlight (and be a massive headache for Kat Ziggs Annie), but our latest version of Noxurimaggro is doing well and good, punching above 55% WR.
Slight underdog to Thralls, Vi Zoe Aphelios and Illaoi Demacia, and loses badly to the new Meta Kings, but has game or handily crushes everything else.
Twisted Fate Nami Shadows
The third and last Heavyweight punching above 55% – notice that this is the Shadow Isles version (the P&Z version performs horribly; yes, top players can make it work, but on average it's a pile of poro poop).
Fear Thralls and the new Meta Kings; not too happy to run into Heimer Jayce, Lurkers or Galio Bard. Wrecks Viego Noxus and Annie Jhin most handily.
Galio Bard
He may wander everywhere, but Bard surely has found a home in Demacia.
It's actually superior to the current Meta Kings if they fight each other; also has an edge against Nami TF Shadows, Jhinnie, Elise Annie and Illaoi Demacia.
Suffers against Thralls, Viego Noxus and Heimer Jayce, though.
Vi Zoe Aphelios
Chompers Delight has lost a bit of steam, but still throws a good punch, this decklist reaching 53% in more than 1,600 games.
The future may be rough, though: already held back by its horrendous Thralls and Heimer Jayce matchups, it is now also the underdog to Nami TF Shadows and the new Meta Kings.
Viego Noxus
Going by-the-numbers, the Elise Kat Noxus version provided here:
… is the last Heavyweight, reaching 53% WR in nearly 1300 games.
But! As it's usual with Viego Noxus, bear in mind that the non-Kat version, even if less played (only around 450 games) performs better.
This archetypes crushes Thralls and Illaoi Demacia, and has a slight edge over the current Meta Kings; has a rough time with Nami TF Shadows, Riven Fizz and Vi Zoe Aphelios.
For this quick overview, we'll group in Welterweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific decklist) with:
Between 300 and 900 games in the last three days, and
WR above 53%
The lists below are ordered by play rate.
Lissandra Taliyah, aka Thralls
This is Thrall's third most popular list, and the first that goes over 55% over more than 700 games (for reference, the most popular list is a bit above 52% with three time as many games).
The new Meta Kings are favored into Thralls, putting more pressure on what still remains the most popular Archetype overall.
Annie Elise
This archetype looks to be undergoing a refinement process, with three slightly different lists all having similar play rates (between 700 and 800 games). The best performer, linked below, sits at 53% WR.
Aphelios Viktor
Another take on the Winding Light gameplan, and pulling solid results across 700+ games.
Suffers with Thralls and TF Nami Shadows, but handily beats Viego Noxus, Jhinnie, Fizz Riven… and has a good edge on the new Meta Kings.
Fizz Riven (BC)
The Combo Crew keeps punching above 55% WR – pilots seem remiss to play this brew, judging by its play rate, but it remains a great option into the current field: it suffers horribly with the new Meta Kings, but is one of the few decks that has an edge against the two most popular options, namely Thralls and Viego Noxus.
Sejuani Gnar Bard
Away from the Meta Staples spotlight, these three champs have been low-key one very interesting option this patch – the recommended decklist punches above 55% WR in nearly 500 games in the last few days, and has been doing work for two weeks now.
Heimerdinger Jayce (SI)
Professor and Student keep finding solutions to most problems the Meta throws at them.
Except Thralls; that one remains a tough conundrum to crack for these two!
Taric Poppy (DE)
This is actually the punchiest of all decklists presented today, hitting nearly 60% – which is beyond crazy – in more than 400 games in the last few days. It’s also doing amazing in the last 24hs.
The most relentless too, bringing to bear six Rally effects.
For this quick overview, we'll group in Featherweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific decklist) with:
Between 60 and 300 games in the last three days, and
WR above 53%
Notice we're in the land of small/tiny data samples – proceed with caution, but this is usually where you find the spice!! =)
Draven Sion (PZ)
The Discard Duo has been pushed to the fringes of the meta, yet they should not be forgotten. This list punches above 53% in nearly 300 games, and is one of the hottest trends in the last 24hs.
Has good odds versus Viego Noxus and Fizz Riven – dies to Thralls, but seems to be even into the Meta Kings.
Yuumi Pantheon
Another former King and Queen pushed to the fringe, but there are interesting news: not only does this decklist show broken WR overall, but Fae and Warrior are one of the few decks that can roflstomp Jarvan VI Poppy Bard.
Illaoi Demacia
Although this archetype has a play rate, as a whole, to earn it Meta Staple status, its best-performing lists have been played less than 300 games these last few days, hence why you find it here.
Ahri Bard
Did I mention this is a very, very cool archetype? =)
It's even making waves now in the Tournament meta – keep an eye on this one, folks; it keeps doing the work.
Ekko Akshan
Fresh and spicy! =)
Great performance over 150 games – seems like a real deal.
Vi Jayce Shadows
This is TealRed, doing TealRed things.
And the thing TealRed is doing, is murdering folks left and right with over 120 games in the last few days. The linked tweet above included vids, in case you want to know more.
In Closing
For the first time in a couple of weeks, one Meta deck has broken past the 55% WR line…
… new decks keep popping up…
… the rest of the field remains as varied and balanced as ever.
Any doubt or decklist you’re after, feel free to ask…
… and good luck out there! =)