As of early Sunday, this is how the top of the charts look like:

There is certainly a lot of interesting decks in the 50-54% WR, but as a quick ladder update, we'll provide the best lists for:
The above seven best-performing decks,
The good version of the two most popular decks (because some folks are still playing the really, really bad versions!)
A few off-meta brews that are making waves.
Top Dogs
These are the best-performing archetypes (play rate over 1%, win rate over 55%, Platinum and above) – Demacian Krakens, aka Squid Surprise, are surely making a ton of waves, while some of the old Top Dogs still cling fiercely to the top.
Yuumi Pantheon
"Hope you guys had a bit of fun with all these spicy new brews," says Pantheon, "but I have a top of the meta to sit on. Again."
Suffers against Ezreal Annie, has a bit of an uphill struggle against Jhinnie…
… slaps everything else around, including all the Illaoi Demacia archetypes, Bard builds and Taric Poppy.
Jarvan Illaoi
This is the best-performing variation of the several Demacian Krakens brews.
It murders Jhinnie, Thralls and Deep, but loses HORRIBLY to Yuumi Pantheon and Ezreal Caitlyn.
Twisted Fate Jarvan Illaoi
A more popular Jarvan version of the Demacian Krakens – even though the champs are pretty similar to the deck above, the followers and spells are quite different.
It also seems a bit weaker when looking at the matchups: still has problems with Yuumi Pantheon, but is also a bit of an underdog against Zed Bard and Lurkers.
There's even another version with Garen instead of Twisted Fate (decklist [HERE]), that actually seems to perform better.
Scouts haven't left the top of the charts since January – this is perhaps the Deck of the Year thus far, given how resilient it has been to nerfs and shifts in the meta.
Wipes the floor with Jhinnie; suffers with Demacian Krakens, Yuumi Pantheon, and Ezreal Caitlyn.
Another of the top dogs last patch, slowly and surely making a return – Fizz Aphelios and their Fae swarm have a bit of a struggle against Demacian Krakens of all stripes, and are not happy to face Yuumi Pantheon…
… rest of the field, looking rosy.
The first Demacian Krakens brew to make a lot of waves, Lux Illaoi's still packing a big, wet punch.
It has a fairly even matchup table (most matchups are only slightly favored or disfavored) except against Jhinnie (very favored), and against both Yuumi Pantheon and Ezreal Caitlyn (very not).
Ezreal Caitlyn
The Piltover Tri-Beam Pair is having a grand time in this meta – Thralls and Deep make them weep, but they trash Jhinnie, Demacian Krakens and Lurkers while being even to Yuumi Pantheon and Zed Bard.
And they are very happy that Tryndamere and Trundle are little seen, because boy oh boy is that a bad matchup!
Let’s Go, People!
Now, these may look like weak archetypes when you consider their average performance…
… but that's because some pilots are still hanging with really bad lists that drag the whole archetype down!
Annie JhinÂ
A bit surprising, given that it's the most popular archetype: folks are still on very bad lists using Ravenbloom Conservatory.
Nope, that's not the list you want; you want this one, with The Stagehand.
Zed Bard
The best list (this one!) is very good.
For the love of all that's well-built, stop playing the god-awful version with God-Willow Seedling!! It's really, really bad!!!
Off the Radar
These are less-seen brews that are doing great.
Fizz Riven (BC)
As we are fond of quoting around here, this complies with Legna's Hypothesis ("In every Meta there is at least one underplayed Riven deck") – Fizz Riven proved LH to be true last patch, and is proving it again now: 56% WR, 900+ games, this is the real deal.
Gnar Annie
Proceed with care here (only around 100 games), but if you want to crush folks with Tybaulk, this list's looking hot!
Heimerdinger Jayce (SI)
It was one of the best decks by the end of last patch – stupidly high winrate across 300 games strongly suggest it still is!
Katarina Elise Viego
You want weird? We've got weird: the Shirtless King's Encroaching Mist package, but with Spiders and pings.
And Disintegrate!
Stupidly high winrate across nearly 300 games, so definitely seems to be something here!
In Closing
Demacian Krakens are making waves, there's lots of turbulence beneath the surface, and several popular archetypes in need of refining…
… we'll still need a few days for things to settle, but thus far it's looking like one of the best patches in quite some time.
Good luck out there! =)