Konsti, aka SweetBlood4, is another streamer we discovered thanks to Best LoR Moments amazing Twitter profiles – as luck would have it, she had seen our conversation with GamingGrandmom, and was happy to sit down (virtually, on Discord) for a chat with us.
She speaks several languages, and this conversation was held in English.
Warm-Up Round
Hello Konsti! Thanks for stopping by for a conversation with us.
Hi! Thank you for inviting me! And I'd like to apologize for the late responses but I’m currently in my last semester in Uni so the struggle is real. Wish me luck, guys!
Hey, good luck! And by the way, what's your area of study?
I’m studying German Language and Literature. I speak Greek and German (which are my mother languages) and English (my second language).
Although I was born and raised in Germany, both my parents are Greek. We live in Greece now – we moved back here in 2008 because, after spending almost their whole life in Germany, my parents wanted to go back to their roots with me. And that’s the reason behind choosing my career!
Why favorite phrase in Greek is; 'μου λείπεις', which means "I miss you" in Greek, but translated the right way is "you’re missing from me," which I find really cute.
I also wish I could speak more languages than the three I already know!
Sounds like you could be a philosopher if you wanted…
That would be awesome, but I'd rather become a full-time streamer instead. Games are my passion!
After I’m finished with Uni (hopefully very soon!) I would like to dedicate myself to full-time streaming and gaming. It’s not just a hobby – I love becoming a better player in the games I enjoy the most, and achieving the highest rank possible. LoR is one of those games and so is Valorant. I'm part of an eSport team, Fnatic, so I’m excited to see how our journey together will go, but I’m sure it’s going to be one to remember.
I also admire Pro players, so becoming one myself would be awesome!
I know it's not easy, but if you dedicate yourself to something and you’re very passionate about it, I believe that you can succeed no matter what. All it takes is hard work and you’ll get rewarded for it, sooner or later. That’s why you should always believe in yourself and never lose hope.
Some of us were passionate about making Expeditions popular – let's just say that it didn't pan out. But in general, yours is a good attitude!
Sometimes it won’t work out, but you’ll find other ways to fill that gap. As long as you’re happy and healthy in life, that’s what truly matters – everything else is secondary and you can adjust to every obstacle in front of you.
On Becoming SweetBlood4
How did you come up with 'SweetBlood4', and do you use that in-game name in both LoR and Valorant?
It used to be SexyBlood4 actually, but I changed that! 😂
I didn’t come up with the name, my friend did when I played with him my first video game ever, and he had made a character with that name. So when I started playing League of Legends, I asked him if I could keep the name, and he was, like, "Sure!" so I made it mine.
I found it edgy back then, and I liked it – also the emo phase was a thing and it just suited the vibe. I never thought of any other name after all these years, and I don’t plan on changing it because that’s how it all started and it’s special to me. I have the same name on every game: SweetBlood with the '4' at the end!
A lot of people like to call me Konsti though, which is a short version of my real name, Konstantina. And I also have people calling me multiple names like Konna, Ntina, Nina, Despina (which is my second name).
How did you get into video games?
When I was in school, almost everybody in my class bullied me because of my weight. I found myself a friend, though, and one day on Skype he asked me if I played games and that’s where it all started… back in 2012.
Through gaming, I met incredibly nice people, which helped me focus on the things that made me happy and shut down all the negativity that I was getting. Gaming changed my life since then.
Something that stuck with us from GamingGrandmom's interview is how gaming in general, and streaming in particular, is a way to connect with others after life has been rough to us.
Would you say that's one of the positive things about streaming? Building and growing a community, and the connection you get with such a community?
I was very shy and insecure in the beginning of my streaming career. I’d see a bad comment and think about it all night, and I wouldn’t talk much because I didn’t want to sound weird.
With time, my community helped me become more confident and even embrace my “weirdness”, because that’s what makes everyone unique – being your true self.
I return this love and support back to them and try to be a good role model to them as well.
A VaLoRant girl
You describe yourself as "a VaLoRant girl" who loves both games equally. How did you get into each one?
I have around 2,000 hours in CSGO – I've always been into FPS – so when Riot came up with Valorant I wanted to try it out!
I got access to Valorant just by watching other streamers – sadly, I didn’t get any cool perks from Riot, but I was lucky enough to get a key since it was given out randomly to the viewers. Before Valorant, I was streaming a lot of CSGO, and people knew me for my sniper skills – after transitioning to Valorant, I got to be one of the streamers who gave out beta keys to their viewers.
Me getting into LoR, on the other hand, was a bit more random. It is my first CCG, and I wasn’t really planning on playing a card game since I’ve always been into FPS.
One day I was in my dorm, with the bad internet connection that I have there, and was searching for a game on the Apple Store. That’s when I found that Riot had this game, and because I had been playing League of Legends since I was thirteen years old and the champions were familiar, I was like, “Sure, let’s give it a try.” I liked that I could just play on my phone, and it was entertaining, so I got hooked fast!
About your audience: since you play two very different games, are your viewers more of a single group no matter which game you play, or is it more like two different communities that you are connected with?
It’s a mix. Some watch me because of who I am, and others because of my gameplay. It depends on the person and what they are looking for on Twitch.
I stream mainly in English, so that everyone can understand, but with some Greek or German thrown in when someone in chat is from those countries, to make them feel more comfortable talking to me.
What are your favorite decks?
My all-time favorite is FIORA/Shen… well, mostly Fiora! I love her, she’s my favorite. 😍
Favorite deck right now is Caitlyn/Ezreal – it reminds me of the good old Draven/Ezreal which I used to play a lot. [Note: SweetBlood4 answered these questions before the patch of March 30]
And you hate Darkness and love to troll in games? =)
I hate darkness a lot – the reason is self explanatory!
Also, I usually troll my games but end up winning, so it’s a “profession” that I have.
Would you agree with that statement that “once a Master, always a Master at heart”?
I feel like that statement has some truth in it. All the hard work to achieve the highest rank in the game, and all the experience that you gain from it, will stay within you and help you out the next time you grind.
But if you don’t play much anymore and don't practice, you’ll eventually become washed up. As long as you stay dedicated, you become a better player every day
What do you think of Tasty Faefolk as food?
From the looks of it, I’m not really a fan of eggplants – but by reading “tasty” faefolk’s name and ingredients, I’d like take a bite anyways ^^
According to your profile, you played piano for 4 years – what was your favorite song to play?
I love music as much as I love gaming, so I’m really blessed to have gained that experience and even own a piano as well! My mom loved hearing me play “Für Elise” for her, so that's my favorite song.
As you may have noticed, we are quite fond of poetry in our Discord. Would you share your favorite German poem and translate it?
Ich denke dein
wenn mir der Sonne schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt;
Ich denke dein,
wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen malt.
I think of you,
when I see the sun’s shimmer
Gleaming from the sea.
I think of you,
when the moon’s glimmer
Is reflected in the springs.
I am a romantic soul and I just love the meaning of this. Another great point to notice is that although German might sound really rough when you listen to it, if you translate the meaning of the words it is very gentle.
And… would you be willing to try your hand at a Haiku or Senryu? Is a bit of our tradition, asking guests for one, to close the interview with… =)
Let me have a thought about this one ‘cause I’ve never written a Haiku (or Senryu) before! First time for everything I guess!
Playing L O R,
I always think to myself,
Great joy for my time!
Further Reading / Links
If you want to read/see the whole conversation as it unfolded, here's an invite to the RIWAN Discord:
And here's the link to the specific channel where we had the conversation:
SweetBlood4 on Twitter: