The Six Top Dogs
According to Balco & Legna, these are the strongest decks at Plat+, when you consider decks with a playrate over 1% at Platinum and above:
The Meta at the top, which was fairly balanced last Friday, is now showing signs of pilots realizing which are the best decks, with two clear winners over 54% winrate (WR).
Here are the best data-based builds for each one of them:
(note that you can click on any deck name for a link to the build)
The Two Top Dogs, both with WR over 54%, and among the most played decks,
A peg below, at around 53% WR,
the Taric version of Pantheon Yuumi, and
With a very solid 52% WR,
Draven Rumble, and
Sivir Akshan – from all these lists, AkSiv seems the one undergoing the most experimentation (with the most played list actually having below-50% WR, which usually means there's a turbulent refining process going on)
Less Played Options
In case you're looking for something a bit more exotic, here are five well-performing options.
(note that you can click on any deck name for a link to the build)
Taliyah Ziggs
The Landmark Lovers are back, with an impressive 54% WR overall, and playrates high enough to almost be considered a Meta deck.
Interestingly, the list is pretty much the exact same as it was weeks ago – yet another example that, sometimes, decks don't need new (or buffed) cards, but rather the proper meta environment to thrive.
Sejuani Gnar Bandle
This overwhelming champion pair is doing a lot of work with different region combinations (see the Shurima version below) – the Bandle version is the most popular, sporting a very solid 53% WR.
Sejuani Gnar Shurima, ft Sivir
Here's another take on the Sej Gnar pair, ditching Freljord's coldness for Shurima's arid, ruthless tools.
Only a handful of games on record, with WR that goes from "silly" to "stupid".
Lux Zoe Aphelios
Perhaps the most interesting development recently: this archetype has, overall, a subpar 49% WR – yet the most popular list, with 360+ games played, has around 53% WR.
Most likely a case of a mixture of unrefined builds and great piloting skills. Tread with care, but there you go: an Aphelios deck pulling good results!
Frozen City Fizz Yuumi
At the very least, deck that one would expect to become fairly more popular after Sirturmund went on a tear with it recently, reaching top 15.
See you tomorrow…
… with the full inventory of Weekend Warrior Weapons!
Any questions or comments, or more data you may need, feel free to poke me on Twitter (, or ping me in Discord (Herko Kerghans#6252).