LoR Lyricists #15 - Alliterative Senryu
RIWAN's poets are back from summer break with loads of LoR (and LoL) alliterative senryu!
All Annie’s - recorded by IcarusPigeon
All Annie's actions Actively awaken an Angered animal -Itch
Annie allows - recorded by snowfire
Annie allows and All allies allegedly Are always approved -snowfire
Ahri’s attractive - recorded by snowfire
Ahri’s attractive Appearance always asserts Attention around -snowfire
Ashe, arctic - recorded by snowfire
Ashe, arctic archer Always accurate arrows Astutely agile -snowfire
Bold bloody - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Bold bloody business Bitter bloodshed beginning Brutally bashin' -Itch
Clever combatant - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Clever combatant Calls competitors closer. Creates cuts. Conquers. -Itch
Diana does - recorded by snowfire
Diana does date Dawn devotedly, delights Delicate dances -snowfire
Evoked emotions- recorded by snowfire
Evoked emotions Endless encounter endured Evil Evelynn -Itch
Elise embraces- recorded by snowfire
Elise embraces Every entangled enemy, Eagerly evil -snowfire
Fortune fav’rs - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Fortune fav'rs fighters Fallen forbearer forward Fire-formed femme fatale -Lunar Spoon
Fate for - recorded by snowfire
Fate for fire fight! Favoured. Folks fully feared. Five fiendish freebooters! -Myzrael
Gwen guarantees - recorded by snowfire
Gwen guarantees gowns Get glimmering gemstones, Grandiosely gifted -snowfire
Hecarim? Heckin’- recorded by snowfire
Hecarim? Heckin’ horsie!! (Hellishly haunting home halloweds had had…) -solitaryplace
Irelia’s inner- recorded by snowfire
Irelia’s inner Irresistible input Interests indeed -snowfire
Just juked- recorded by snowfire
Just juked Jhin, Jayce, Jax 😎 Jocular jettison! Japes! 🚀 Joyful Jinx! Jokes jive! -Alkaloid
Kalista keenly- recorded by snowfire
Kalista keenly keeps kid king— Ka-Pow! Kontos kills kinship, kindness. -solitaryplace
Kayle knowingly- recorded by snowfire
Kayle knowingly Kisses keenly, kickass knight Keeps kingdoms kindly -snowfire
Katarina kills - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Katarina kills keenly; kaput knife kebabs— known killer's key knack -INEEDATTENTION
Leona lays- recorded by solitaryplace
Leona lays low lying Lunari loonies- lunatics, losers! -solitaryplace
Leona lovingly- recorded by snowfire
Leona lovingly, Lusts lunar, laughs leisurely Lasting love lightens -snowfire
Mountainous master - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Mountainous master Mighty, massive, muscular Mead meets mustaches -Alkaloid
Morgana’s magic- recorded by snowfire
Morgana’s magic Means malice mourns, merciless Marvelous midnight -snowfire
Mordekaiser matchless - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Mordekaiser matchless Metallic might militarized Malefic mayhem master -a fellow gamer
Night, Neverending - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Night, Neverending; Niceties, Neverlasting: Nocturnes Neverglade. -HackaKat
Ogre of - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Ogre of offal operating on orders: “Ochre overwhelms”. -solitaryplace
Oriana offered- recorded by snowfire
Oriana offered Ongoing optimism, or Opposes onions -snowfire
Patience? Pah!- recorded by snowfire
"Patience? Pah!" pouts punk. "Perchance peril, pull pack: past permeates present!" -solitaryplace
Quinn’s quick- recorded by snowfire
Quinn’s quick quiver quells quarrelling quails. “Quibbl’ing quills?” quips quietly. -solitaryplace
Roosting ravens - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Roosting ravens rouse- red-ribboned reconnoiters regard rebel rubes -solitaryplace
Riven’s resolute- recorded by snowfire
Riven’s resolute Resolve remains, returning Redeeming rebel -snowfire
Ringside Rumblers- recorded by snowfire
Ringside Rumblers Rodeo revelers run Ramshackle robots -regularbird
Seraphine’s secret- recorded by snowfire
Seraphine's secret! She solves September's sadness. She suggest singing! -Myzrael
Tristana’s training- recorded by snowfire
Tristana's training. Triple treat. Targeting. Trash talking. Taking turns. -Myzrael
Thresh! Thou - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Thresh! Thou Thankless Thing Thrash thy Thousand Thralls, their Throes Thrill thy Thirsting Throat -HackaKat
Udyr’s unconscious - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Udyr’s unconscious unites, unbidden, unto untaméd units. -solitaryplace
Violent vicious- recorded by snowfire
Violent vicious Vehement Vibrant Vixen Valor Victory -ABG Cosinejoe
Veigar villainous- recorded by snowfire
Veigar villainous Very villainous voices Valued Valorous -snowfire
Ve Vindicated- recorded by snowfire
Ve Vindicated. Vanderers Vandering 'Veryvere 'Vas very EEEE-vil -Saliet Monay
Wails while - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Wails while we wander. Where we walk, wildlife withers. Watchers! We'll wreak woe!!! -Rocksaint
X-cellent, x-tras- recorded by snowfire
X-cellent, x-tras! X-cel, x-ceed, x-amine! Xayah x-cepted -Alkaloid
Yuumi yearningly- recorded by snowfire
Yuumi yearningly yawns- “You- yarn? Yummies?” “Yogurt…?” Yowls “Yes, yippee!! -solitaryplace
Zilean zig-zags- recorded by snowfire
Zilean zig-zags 😎 Zany zebra zygomorphs?? 😱 Zed's zesty zealot 😳 -Alkaloid
Amumu - recorded by IcarusPigeon
Walking whither, when? Wanting, wanting - wanting what? Why watch where we walk? Bandages broken, Braced, because beginnings beam. Bonds bound boundlessly. Crying contrition, Caught coldly celebrating Cold calamities. Friends, find friends for fools. Family, find family Far from fond faces. Maybe my mind must Make mundane meaning matter. Maybe meaning's moot. Wanting withers, why? Walking, walking - walking where? Why walk while we wait? Waiting, we're waiting. Waiting, when wishing won't work. Walking whither, where? -IcarusPigeon