LoR Lyricists #4 — Patchwork Poetry
Short LoR Poems from Before and After this Week's Big Balance Patch
Before Patch Notes
Pent-up and throbbing! This welcome patch releases creativity —Lareyt
For the empire witnessed the realm's demise, With hearts and spirits will the banner rise; Thousands died on the sands beneath the skies, Blood for blood, as the Pale Lady advised. —Ana
Viktor: strong at last Reddit whined and Riot acts Utter trash once more —Lareyt
so much depends upon a garen rework buffed by elite support within the new meta —regular bird
Stats are a blunt tool Elites only have raw stats Enough stats still win —Lareyt
We love a big patch We love champions too Mi really can't wait To game with yuu —Ana
Post-Patch Notes
Delicate thing to Fine tune and observe changes. It’s hard to foresee. —bA1ance
Huge balance changes Came in the patch with a Big disappointment —Ana
Spells now play, not cast Days of Karma Lux passed Will these changes last? *** Small swords everywhere All we wanted to be told Card count our hands hold *** Burst spell, click OK Wait, why did my turn just end? Riot fix these bugs?!!?! —Conansson
I saw her once. Was it a dream? Her cost was two if one could get A certain stature that was set By Riot's balance team. But now she towers overhead! Her giant form consumes my eyes! She now costs three if "four by five" And overwhelms! I'm dead! —Alkaloid
too many mirrors a tree forgotten: who will patch the poor patchers? —Anonymous
⚔️ we ⚔️ said ⚔️ we ⚔️ wanted ⚔️ more 🛡️ emphasis 🛡️ on 🛡️ combat ⚔️ so ⚔️ what's ⚔️ not ⚔️ to ⚔️ like? —Cephalopod
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Wait… really!?
Yes, really! =)
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