Alright, part three of this experiment; you can check Part One – the Prodigious Pile here, and Part Two – TealRed's Dark here.
For the first two tests, our brave pilots took for a ride little-tested brews crafted by top pilots.
For today's test-drive, we chose a weird brew found while digging Balco's data for last Friday's Weekend Warrior Weapons…
… behold: Kat Riven Rumble!
Katarina Riven Rumble Shurima
How did the deck feel?
"This deck is a weird midrange/combo deck that looks to level and protect Rumble until he, and the value he brings, have finished the opponent," says Yondy, who took the deck for a spin on Normals. "I played about a dozen games, and won a lot more than I lost. When everything works out, you have a 10/7 Spellshielded Rumble on the board, and your hand is full of spells to both protect him and interact with your opponent – it rarely works out like that though, and you have to fight both your opponent and your own deck to see yourself through the game."
"I think the deck feels amazing!" says Yun, who also played more than a dozen games in Normals. "I was shocked at how well it performed – the ability to asspull with this deck is insane. Except for one card, your whole deck works towards your game plan. Your combo is very hard to disrupt for how early it comes out."
"The deck is… surprisingly consistent," says Hazy. "I tested it at Plat. I found it generates a lot of value, and it's quite explosive – and, like Yun and Yondy, I won quite more than I lost."
Would you change something?
"I didn't do any tweaks," says Yun, "but I'd like to get rid of Blade's Edge. And cut down Tellstones to a single copy."
"Agreed on Blade's Edge," says Yondy. "I don't think I was ever glad to see a Blade's Edge in hand. Other than that, I really wouldn't know what to tweak because touching this deck feels like touching a castle of cards – I would probably add more copies of Merciless Hunter and Siphoning Strike, but I wouldn't know what to cut, though."
"I did a few tweaks myself," says Hazy. "I got rid of Blade's Edge and Aspiring Chronomancers, swapped the two Shuriman Tellstones for one Noxian Tellstone, added two Runeweavers and two Merciless Hunters, and also added one Might."
What do you think about the deck overall?
"Look," says Yondy, "this list looks bad, and it probably is bad. However, it's really fun to play – it's a chaotic mess that looks like it was blindly scrapped out of the broken shells of other decks… BUT! When it works, it feels like nothing can stop you."
"Yep, agreed," says Hazy. "It's a midrange Combo deck, although different from many other Riven decks like Riven Viktor or Riven Fizz. You don't have an early push here – you start dealing damage by round 4, when you drop Riven, Rumble or Katarina, and from there, you adapt your gameplan. The idea is to build your combo around Rumble – if you have both Riven and Rumble on the board, well, cool, more damage."
"This is a Combo deck through and through," says Yun. "Don't be fooled. It may look like an aggro deck, but it is absolutely, without a doubt, a combo deck that just has a lot of combo variety. The only card that is 100% required to combo is Rumble – if you don't draw Rumble, you lose, and you should full-mulligan for him every time."
"Right!" says Hazy. "I mean, when I saw this deck I thought 'what the bollocks is this?', because at first sight it's a potpourri of combo-aggro-midrange. But, for some reason, you frequently get your key cards, and the combos are really consistent."
Closing Words
"It really feels like Rumble himself designed this deck," says Yondy. "So if you want the TRUE, messy, crazy, 'I've just put this monstrosity together in a scrapyard' Mecha-Yordle experience, you should try this abomination!"
We hope you've enjoyed this brief test-run! If you have any feedback for future test-runs, please let us know…
… and if you take this deck for a spin, best of luck! =)