Ol' Uncle Herko's fishing expedition: catching cool, exotic Constructed decks in Legna's Lake and Balco's Bay
The Data waters may look intimidating, but fear not: Your good Uncle Herko will row you safely in and out, and with plenty of fishies to catch!
Howdy, kiddo!
Lemme guess… bored of ‘em meta Top Dogs, are ye?
Ye… Ol’ Herko knows how dull be lookin’ like, lad. An’ dull be lookin’ right like the glint in yer eyes.
That’s why ye comin’ to Ol’ Uncle Herko, ain’t ye?
Yer tired of bein’ fed fish. Good fish, bad fish… them all taste t’ same in the long run, when it’s someone elses puttin’ em on your plate.
Am I right?
Yeah… ye wants to be doin’ the fishin’, aye?
An’ not any fishin’. Ye wants them rare fishies. Them exotic breeds.
Come, come.
If yer really ready to leave the safety of them shallows behind, Ol’ Uncle Herko will teach ye how to fish.
Come; tide's good, let's be rowin'!
Legna’s Luminous Lake
Now, for catchin’ them exotic fishies, first thing ye wanna be doin’ is choosin’ the proper spot. An’ ain’t no better place to fish ‘em rare fishies than Legna’s Luminous Lake.
Now, Legna’s Lake, it be having a shallow part, an’ a deep part. Good Ol’ Uncle Herko we’ll be sharin’ what he knows ‘bout both parts, but lets be startin’ in the shallow part, m’kay?
So, first, ye wants to be clickin’ in that meta report.
He he heee…
… now, now; no swearin’ on me boat. Uncle Herko never said that it actually was shallow, didn’t he? Ol’ Herko just said folks be callin’ that, is all.
But ye be havin’ no fear, lad! Ol’ Herko will be leadin’ ye well!
Sooo… ye be wanting to scroll quiiiite a bit downs, till ye finds this lil’ graph that be lookin’ like this:
… aaand right below that pretty pic, yer be findin’ this:
Meta decks are booooooring, aye? Well… ye sees that “Underdog” tab?
Ye be clickin’ that, an’ Herko’s yer uncle.
Am I right?
Ye should be seein’ something like this:
Now, them "Underdogs", them ain't no weaklings -- some of ‘em could beat them Meta decks to a pulp.
We call them “Underdogs” ‘round these here parts to all fishies that be havin’ less than 1% play rate, but more ‘n 0.1%.
He he hee…
… ah, Ol’ Herko sees it again. The dull in yer eyes.
The disappointment…
… ye be seein’ ‘em all before, have ye?
Well… let’s row farther, then…
… ye remembers the Deep part?
Well… ‘cos that where we be goin’, mate. So, now, ye want's to be clickin' on that Meta button.
… lookie here!
Says “Fresh”…
… he he heeee!!!
Aye, don’t be lookin’ at me, lad. Ain’t got no clue in this ol’ skull o’ mine ‘bout what yer lookin’ at right now… ye gots to remember Ol’ Herko be posting pics here, and ye be lookin’ at live data. That be t’ latest stuff bein’ played, what ye lookin’ at right now. So if yer after the cuttin’ edge, well, right there is where ya fish.
Fer example…
… it be lookin’ here that Akshan/Taliyah be somethin’ them folks on the East be playin’ with.
If yer no Eastie yerself, mebbe ye can fish that, and release it in yer shard?
Folks won't be expectin' it...
... makes ye an innovator, even! Ain't fishin' cool?
He he heeeee...
Well, whadda ya know… that ain’t dull no more, that which be glimmerin’ in yer eye, eh?
A’ight, a’ight…
... Ol' Herko will show ye another fishin' spot; yer good ol' Uncle may have a soft spot fer ya, whadda ya know.
Let’s be rowin’ a bit alongways now; over yonder, that be…
Balco’s Bountiful Bay
Now, Balco’s Bountiful Bay, it also be havin’ them Shallow end, and Deep end.
Let’s be checkin’ the Shallow end first, eh?
He he heee… aye, same as Legna’s Lake; them folks call it “shallow”, but ye be lookin’ at them deep abyss starin’ at ye back if ye stare at it long ‘nuff, m’kay?
Anyways! Keep scrolling…
... keep scrolling…
... keeeeeeep scrolling till ye finds this:
You can always stop scrolling and check what this vicious-looking graph means, of course!
Aaaand then if ye still scrolls downward a bit, ye haves this:
Oooohhh!! Look at them fishies!!!!
Ta daaaa!!
Now, Ol’ Herko, what he does is sort them decks (you may be seein’ them called Archetypes, but that’s them fancy long word for “deck”) alphabetically; then ye searches until ye finds something that catches yer eye.
Aye, aye, ye may be needin’ to do a bit o’ clickin’, but I promise ye, it’s gonna be preeetty clickin’ good.
Fer example!
Well well well… looks like them folks be playing quite a bit of Swain Riven, aye?
Ol’ Herko heard them folks over at the tavern, speaking ‘bout it; looks like it be a cool toy, methinks.
Maybe ye should be fishing for that, eh? Whatcha be sayin’?
But, you got’s to be careful, kiddo: check them winrate by them lists, because some lists ain’t be doin’ as good as others, even if the deck be callin’ the same, aye?
An’ about the Deep end of Balco’s Bay, well…
... if ye finds today’s haul bountiful, mebbe yer good Ol’ Uncle Herko will row ye there one day, and share them more tricks with ye.
Fer now, ye be seein’ enough, I should think!
But before we rows back to shore…
Fresh fish? Well, it was fresh last Wednesday…
Aye, that be key for grabbin’ ‘em fishies: timin' be everythin', or ye be catchin' last week's haul.
And, lemme tell ya, that stink.
So: in Legna’s Lake, best time t’ fish is Wednesday afternoon.
An’ in Balco’s Bay, same thing, best fishin’ be done by Wednesday.
Ye gotta be keepin’ yer eyes peeled, mkay? Also keep yer ear to the rumors ye hear at The Old Competitive Reddit Tavern; by Wednesday afternoon, folks may be sharing fishing stories you may want to hear about.
... aaand oh, lookie here: we've reached the shore again.
See? Good Ol' Uncle Herko be a man of his word. Brought ye back safe, sound, and with them cool fishies in tow.
Hope ye enjoyed our fishin’ trip, kiddo!
Any time ye comes to the Twitter docks, come say a quick hi to Ol’ Uncle Herko.
Or if ye have time for a long story, ye can stay around an’ listen to yer Ol’ Uncle ramblings for a while.
Cheers, and fine fishin’!