Three Strongest Decks
All decks that were strong last Friday remain strong, although a couple of them (Gnar Swain and Elise Noxus) have lost their edge a bit.
Yet who’s on top… that has changed.
According to Balco & Legna, these are the strongest decks at Plat+ (all three with winrates well above 55%), when you consider decks with a playrate of 1% or more:
Gnar Trundle Timelines
A Timelines deck at the top of the Meta… indeed interesting times to be around! =)
This is the build that 4WL took to Masters, and it's the one list that almost everybody playing this archetype is piloting — it can therefore confidently be called "well-tested" by now (at the moment of this typing, it has 3500+ games under its belt).
It's not an easy deck to pilot, given the abundance of decision points — but if you want something new and strong to play early on, this is it.
Fizz Lulu YiA
This list is the second most played in this archetype, and data says it's much better than the most played list (the one which includes Yordle Portal) by a whooping 6%.
In other words: stick to tried-and-true if you're playing this archetype.
Fizz Gnar YiA
If you want to play YiA with new cards, this is the build you want to play.
New at the Top
In the last two days, one deck has made its way among the strongest meta decks:
Papercraft Fizz Riven
With a solid winrate (52%) and using a few of the new cards, this new pairing of old champs has clawed its way at the top.
Two Little-Played Options
If you're looking for little less-played options, here are two recommendations (one old, the other new) to take to the ladder:
Something Old: Elise Kindred Vi
Pulling a 55% winrate across 400+ games, this traditional Kindred Sentinels builds looks quite solid in the current meta.
Something new: Pantheon Yuumi Shadows
An archetype mostly played in the Americas served, doing great with around 120 games played. Some lists tweak one copy of Atrocity to add an extra copy of Blinded Mystic.
If you're wondering what makes this deck click, try it in Normal or versus the AI, and see what happens when you play Oblivious Islander on Yuumi, and then you Attach her. =)
In Closing
Not much has changed since Friday, but we're already seeing some Staples sliding down, and new ideas bubbling up.
An interesting Timeline to be on the ladder! =)