As of early Sunday 12 (EST), this is how the top of the ladder looks like:
Personal opinion: This is indeed, when you look at the numbers, the best meta in a very, very long time – no Meta deck over 55% WR (which has been true for more than a week now), and only two Meta decks above 54%. And we're showing only the top of the chart – it's amazing how "flat" the WR curve is, with a huge chunk of decks sitting at 49%-53%.
Data-related caveat: Balco has chosen to group all Viego Noxus variations (mainly with or without Katarina) into a single archetype (as we'll see below, some lists do much better than others), and the same for Illaoi Demacia decks (similar comment). That's why you don't find Elise Viego nearly the top of the chart.
About How Decklists are Curated & Presented
In this quick ladder overview, we'll provide the best decklists for the showcased archetypes.
Since in each archetype some lists fare better than others (and sometimes the difference is quite noticeable), this time we'll present the information a bit different than in previous quick overviews.
First, we'll broadly group decklists (not archetypes, but specific decklists) in three groups, by amount of games played in the last few days:
Heavyweights: more than 900 games,
Welterweights: between 300 and 900 games,
Featherweights: between 60 and 300 games
These cut-offs are of course arbitrary – since most data samples I check are 24hs or three days, the above roughly translates to lists that have 20-100/100-300/300+ games per day.
Sources: Balco, Legna, Seth – all three provide 7-days data (which I usually check for matchups when 3-days data is scarce) and 3-days data (which is the bulk of the recommended decklists). Legna provides 24-hs data (what the calls "Fresh") for free; Seth provides 24-hs for Premium access.
If you have any feedback on how these decklists could be showcased differently, do let me know! =)
For this quick overview, we'll group in Heavyweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific, exact decklist) with:
More than 900 games in the last three days, and
WR above 53%
Viego Elise Noxus
When digging into specific decklists, the picture is clear: non-Kat better than yes-Kat. At least by current numbers, a solid marriage is a better deal than a spicy threesome – such is life!
There are two non-Kat Heavyweight list, both punching north of 55% – and even here, the more consistent least spicy proves to be the best (the second-best swaps one Leech for a single Scorched Earth)
This deck dislikes Fizz Riven, Ezreal Caitlyn. Heimer Jayce, Ezreal Annie and Vi Zoe Aphelios; has game or ROFLstomps everything else.
Lissandra and Taliyah have lost a bit of steam (although not popularity) when you look at their archetype's average performance.
Dig a bit further, though, and there's a list that's the second scariest thing in this category, and only by a decimal or two.
Difference between this list and the most popular (here, for reference) is cutting Inquisitors and one Tavernkeeper to make room for Preservarium, and cutting Avalanches for Possibilities and Sands of Time.
Fizz Riven
The aquatic Yordle and the blade reforger reach 54% with this decklist:
As second option, there's a list running Conchologist and Tellstones that performs almost as well – pick the one you like best! =)
Vi Zoe Aphelios
One of the newest kids on the block, this pile is the real thing. Interestingly, the most popular decklist is also the best, which means pilots are already locked on the optimized version.
When checking specifically for the last 24hs, this decklist seems to be one of the best choices you can bring to ladder. Be aware, though: it's not an easy deck to pilot.
Poppy Bard
The wandering Caretaker has found a cozy home in Demacia, no doubt – this list with Poppy has been doing grand lately.
(Note: we cheated a bit here; this decklist has only 896 games, but well, close enough to 900! =)
Galio Bard
Want to go Bard Demacia, but Poppy is not your cup of tea?
No worries: Demacia Fried Chicken is another option, and performing nearly as well! =)
For this quick overview, we'll group in Welterweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific decklist) with:
Between 300 and 900 games in the last three days, and
WR near or above 53%
Heimer Jayce Shadows
Were it not for a much smaller number of games, this archetype would be the baddest poro hugger out there.
Below list has stupidly broken winrate, across 350+ games…
… but if you want to go a tad more conservative, here's the most popular list, punching north of 54% in 700+ games – the differences in card choices, while not huge, are noticeable.
Fizz Aphelios (BC)
It sure is a great time to be an Aphelios fan – what was one of the most potent decks last season is still punching hard.
Illaoi (& Friends) Demacia
Hugely less popular than during the early days of the patch, Illaoi Demacia can still crush opponents with ease. This TF Garen Jarvan version is the best performing among the many variations.
Elise Annie
Now, finally a deck you've probably not seen yet! =)
The Meta is stabilizing, but still new concepts show up – the region pairing could make you think of Viego Noxus, but this deck is quite different.
And, if you're a Ravenbloom Conservatory fan, this looks like the best Ravenbloom deck right now.
Dies horribly to Thralls and Galio Bard, but it's actually superior to Viego Noxus and Fizz Riven.
Created by Jhinitaliyah and popularized by Aikado on his way to Masters – the recommended list, which is doing grand across 400+ games, is much heavier on followers.
Aphelios Viktor
Another take on Aphelios Winding Light P&Z — a bit less potent than the Zoe Vi version in the last three days, but packing a punch nevertheless.
(Thanks to pedre_falopa for noting a bit, fat typo with this deck! =)
For this quick overview, we'll group in Featherweights those decklists (not archetypes, but the specific decklist) with:
Between 60 and 300 games in the last three days, and
WR above 53%
Notice we're in the land of small/tiny data samples – proceed with caution, but this is usually where you find the spice!! =)
Twisted Fate Annie
This pair seems to have found their footing, after a lot of trial and error – it's been popular for a while now, but never with above-average results.
Now the most popular list reaches 54% across 220+ games, and alternative lists are doing great too!
Lux Jayce
Now, this I don't understand – it was one of the best, most popular decks a week ago, but while still performing greatly, it sees less and less play (and it's a fairly well-known archetype, so it's not like it doesn't have folks that know how to pilot it well).
No clue what's going on! =)
Riven Viktor Ambush
Don't disrespect this somewhat fringe concept – it's been around for quite some time, and boy do the numbers look sweet now.
Pantheon Yuumi
Only a tiny shadow of it’s former popularity — but, probably to be only chosen by very experienced pilots now, the Warrior and the Feline Fae are doing very good with the below list.
Ahri Bard
This thing keeps being a thing, folks. Always little-played, always stupidly high winrates.
Draven Sion
The Discard Duo is currently performing really well, across 150+ games in the last three days.
In Closing
By the numbers, the most open, fair meta we’ve had this year…
… fairly new concepts like Vi Zoe Aphelios are making waves at the top…
… new archetypes (Annie Elise, YEP CROC) popping up…
… others (Annie TF) being refined enough to now seem competitive…
… hard to remember a better Ladder than this. =)
Any doubt or decklist you’re after, feel free to ask…
… and good luck out there! =)