This Week In Runeterra...
A quick overview of comings and goings this week in Legends of Runeterra.
Patch Day — Stuff to Try!
Looking for something new?
Or something old, but with a new spin?
Shadawx shared on MaRu five decks to try on Patch Day, including all four new Champs.
Freshlobster shared their three decks of choice on RCGG, also giving all four Champs a chance to shine.
I’d say it’s a safe bet the most popular pairing is going to be Ahri Kennen — don’t sleep on Pantheon Shyvanna, though! Here’s Shadawx’s dragon-hot take, and here’s is the (very similar) build Freshlobster proposes.
MaRu announced a its Championship Series, with $8,000 in prizes up for grabs, running from next Sunday until Jan 30. The good/bad news (depending which shard you’re on): it’s only for the Americas shard.
If you’ve been following last Seasonal, here’s CastMin’s interviews with SWATblues, WhatAmI & MajiinBae, as they were preparing for the Play-Offs.
Path of Champions
If some of the P&Z champs have been giving you trouble, RCCG released detailed walkthroughs for Jinx, Jayce and Ekko.
Ahri, Kennen, and Teemo will join PoC, according to the patch notes (though not Rumble yet… meh!), along other adjustments — chief among them, three starting Powers if we both a run during the first two fights, rather than just Unstable Manaflow.
Those cries of joy and ‘Riot rules!’ you hear? Mixed with ecstatic laugher and wild hooting and cheering?
Well, whadda ya know, after several months there’s a line about Expeditions in the patch notes:
Yeah, that’s how grateful us Limited players can be — just throw us a bone here and there, Riot, will praise you endlessly and won’t bother you with how broken Yordles may or may not be. =)
Guess we’ll have to do our part now, and start gathering experience and insights to update the Champ Tier List for Expeditions — maybe in a couple of weeks? We’ll see!
In Other News…
… the art and/or the effect of some of the new Mecha-Yordles are inspired by/alternate versions of cards from their non-Bandle City region (as confirmed by a Riot Dev in that thread! =)
… what’s the deal with Ahri’s hood?
… as with every expansion, Aradia_Bot posts (on different threads) the full art & flavor text of the released cards. Good for easing patch anxiety while still downloading/at work/caught up on other chores! =)
Click-baity as it may sound, this is the kind of (amazing!) content you just have to see to believe. Conansson released a YT vid with his tips for hand-tracking, including hand-made pictures and dice. Yes, really…
… beside new cards and Champs, easily the coolest content released this week! =)
Not a Meddler, by Soltaire
There once was a puffcap peddler who swore that he wasn’t a meddler, but my deck’s full of shrooms- one more draw and I’m doomed- so I’d say that’s a lie altogether!
Hope you found these links interesting…
… and may you find a fresh meta next time you log in…
… see you next week! 😄
Sol & Herko